Monday 8 June 2015

ten things to do this summer

Ok, so this summer is going to be EXTREMELY boring.

Let me explain...
So not the last school year the one before was a very important stressful busy exam year so this year in school we did lots of fun things and had no homework . We had a ball, it was fab.

I watched soo many tv programmes : scandal, pretty little liars, once upon a time, geordie shore, the valleys, friends etc etc etc. It was so good, like so so good. Every day I would come home, throw my school bag on the floor, make nutella on toast (healthy I know) and a hot cup of tea, put my feet up and watch these shows! My sister had mountains of homework and I just relaxed. I still had a full school day though and after school activities so I wasn't bored and every moment of relaxation WAS appreciated greatly, WAS.

Now, school is out for summer. And even though this is great for most, I knew I would be bored after a week. The fist thing I did after school ended was try get a job. I LOOKED EVERYWHERE. With no luck. I really need the money as I dont have any to do anything exciting over summer and I also just need something TO DO! After a week of emailing and handing out CVs, I had more or less given up. All my friends have jobs so they arn't even around to do anything.

(apology's for rambling) So basically I am going to be very bored this summer. I decided to compile a list of ten things to do this summer. My aim is to complete the list. And if you are as bored as I am, I challenge you to complete it too! 

1. Bake or Cook once a day. Try out a new reciepe, create your own! Whether its a small fruit smoothie or a full meal for your fam, whip out the apron!

2. Start a new sport. I mean any form of exercise really. Join a local team, run to the park, stretch until you can do the splits, lift weights, cycle, mow the lawn, jump over a fence, do ten jumping jacks, I don't know just get off the couch you lazy sod!

3. Start a Youtube Channel! Be brave! (Im honestly nervous about this one, but also excited). Shpw and tell the world how wonderfully amazing you are! (cos I know you are, don't lie)

4. Do one nice thing for someone different everyday. Cringe, I know, but I think its really cute and nice and hopefully good karma will get you for it! Give someone the last cookie, i know you want it but have some will power, I bet you'll make someones day!

5. Make a bucketlist. Sky diving, river rafting, bungee jumping, safari, disenyland (yes I have never been to disenyland and yes I still want to go)

6. Make a short film. Invite the squad around, brainstorm and film! You will have the best craic I assure you! 

7. Start a diary/journal. I guarantee a page everyday and in a year, in ten, in twenty you will be so glad you did and laugh at the things the said! You will LOL at how much of a lil shit you are.

8. Learn a Language. I know it sounds weird but imagine going back to school and just being like yeah I'm fluent in Russian.

9. Redecorate your room. Paint the walls, through out the junk and funk it up a bit! Do you boo, do you!

So there you go, ten things to do this summer. DO THEM! and let me know how you get on!

Alrighty then, talk soon

*high-five* Rachel ! 

Wednesday 3 June 2015

first blog ever

Ok. So I guess it IS harder than it looks. I have been staring at my laptop screen for nearly ten minutes now thinking of what to say. Its like anything isnt it, the first is always the hardest. My spidey senses are telling me this will be bad but just hold on! Were going home


*ahem* My name is Rachel and I am sixteen years old. Ugh I know, what an awkward age. Too old to be treated like a child, too young to be treated like an adult. *cringe* That awkward moment at a family event, do I sit with kids and play embarrassing games in front of my older cousins like 'Lets all cry if Rachel doesn't sing an awful cover of Let it Go from Frozen' OR do I sit with the adults and awkwardly get half offered some champagne as my mother stares me down with her 'put that glass down right now or so help me God' eyes. Ugh, the struggles. *stares off into the distance and pities self*

Sorry I'm rambling. That's right, I said it, you should know, I ramble a lot. I just decide I will be 100% honest with you guy(s). Lets get Rachel out on the open road and really open her up! I Ramble. What an odd word. Ram-ble. Sorry I am writing what I am saying in my head as I say it (so like literally right now you are in my brain, c'mon that's kinda cool). That is another thing you should know about me - I have no filter. I say what I think. Wow that sounds bitchy. I say what I think ya lil bitch! Y'no that's me homeboy! I amn't ghetto soz :( Wish I was to be honest. 

Oh god, Rambler, bitch, ghetto wannabe. I 'm coming across great anyway. 

Haha, I just looked up from the keyboardy thing for the first time and all I see is red. I am shocking at spelling, like SHOCKING. Thank God for spellcheck, always got my back. I spellt champagne like shempayne. Like Liam Paynes twin sister Shem! Oh god sorry that was bad. Oh oh another thing! I make terrible jokes AND laugh at them myself *chuckle* 

Okie dokie I think thats enough for now. I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this but hey,

Never mind, I forgot what I was gona say 

Alrighty then, talk soon 

*hug* Rachel ! 

Oh oh PS. Parched Dreams! I know right! Poetic af *high-five*